
Aquatic Physical Therapy (Hydrotherapy) 
Hydrotherapy is a broad term that simply means the use of water for therapy. It includes several naturopathic methods, such as hot and cold baths, saunas, and balneotherapy. It READ MORE
Adherence to Physical Therapy Regimens 
Patient adherence to physical therapy regimens is critical to a smooth and rapid recovery. However, adherence to such regimens remains imperfect and influenced by complex READ MORE
Genetic Risk Factor in Arthritis 
Researchers have long speculated that arthritis is influenced by genetic factors . With the advent of genome-wide association studies, the genetic risk factors contributing to READ MORE
Olympic Injuries: Physical Therapy for Tibia Fracture
During the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, American skier Nina O’Brien was competing in the women’s giant slalom when she fractured her left tibia . Tibia fractures READ MORE
Physical Activity and Strength in Preterm Children
Premature birth is defined as birth occurring before 37 gestational weeks . Although the prevalence of preterm mortality was once very high, major strides in neonatal intensive READ MORE
Anatomy of Muscle
Responsible for creating movement, circulating substances, and storing glycogen, the muscular system is a complex network of nearly 700 distinct organs in the human body . Each READ MORE
Physical Recovery After Mechanical Ventilation
Patients surviving critical illness requiring intense medical interventions such as prolonged mechanical ventilation (PMV) or prolonged immobility are at significant risk of READ MORE
Physical Therapy for Long COVID
COVID-19 can have both short- and long-term effects on patients, including in the form of physical and psychological impairments. A significant number of COVID-19 patients READ MORE